I’m a WHAT?

http://wfu.cuepa.cn/show_more.php?tkey=&bkey=&doc_id=422844 The school Newspaper this semester hightlighted each of the Foreign Teachers. As a continual story they decided to make a garden. So the first question I got asked in my interview was “What kind of flower are you?”  I actually laughed at the reported. “Well, that’s a truly Chinese question” I answered. My student,Continue reading “I’m a WHAT?”

Dumplings with my Students

Dumplings are an important part of the Chinese New Years. During the holiday you eat them until you can’t stomach any more then down another plate full. If you think I’m exaggerating read my post about spending Spring Festival in the countryside. Before the students went home for the winter holiday the student union organized a dumplingContinue reading “Dumplings with my Students”

Yet another working Saturday

So I worked yet another Saturday thanks to this country’s holiday reckoning system. I know my students come to live for these Saturdays as I refused to make a Saturday class hard or serious.  I’m sorry if I have to wake up early on a day designated for sleep no one is going to forceContinue reading “Yet another working Saturday”

hummm how do I write this diplomatically?

Oh what ever, I’m frustrated, well no that is the understatement of the week. I’M FUMING!!! All I can say is this, substitute where you feel appropriate, I trust you get the gist. I have no idea why I ever feared Middle Earth would take over the world. Yes their short program is wonderful. All flashContinue reading “hummm how do I write this diplomatically?”

Happy Tomb Sweeping Day…here’s a box of eggs.

    Yesterday was a national holiday here in China.  Tomb Sweeping Day. It is a day families visit their relatives’ graves to clean and pay their respects. For this holiday in usual faculty appreciation custom James dropped off a gift. He had called ahead to tell us he would be dropping off a boxContinue reading “Happy Tomb Sweeping Day…here’s a box of eggs.”

A Chinese Wedding – From the Groom’s side

I have been truly fortunate to receive first  hand introductions to Chinese culture. Last semester when James announced his engagement I was thrilled at his invitation to attend. As much as I hoped to attend the entire ceremony I was unsure if the invitation extended to the ceremony as that is usually attended only byContinue reading “A Chinese Wedding – From the Groom’s side”

Oh by the way…

“Many Westerners plan their schedules at the beginning of the day, or perhaps a day of two in advance. If you would like to meet with a Westerner, you should generally call at least a day in advance. If you want to invite a  Westerner to dinner, you should plan it about one week inContinue reading “Oh by the way…”

Perk #2: Practicle Gifts

I’m becoming more and more like my mother everyday, which is a very good thing! One such thing is the belief that practicality really wins the heart! Like all recognizable holidays in China the faculty is presented with a gift.  For Women’s Day each female member of the faculty received 2 bundles of Toilet PaperContinue reading “Perk #2: Practicle Gifts”

Ordain Women

Mormon women seeking equality and ordination to the priesthood

Operation: Full Passport!

Welcome to my travel blog!

Reflections in Red

raising awareness of sexual violence & reflecting on a healthier sexuality

HOPE61: Human Trafficking Prevention

Raising Awareness. Equipping the Church.

Anti Trafficking

Save them from jackals & wolfs!