‘Mom you have too many kids!”

I think you should give me away!* Now before I state my reasons let me first thank my parents for the wonderful birthday box I received. The Rainbow chip frosting was worth the wait. The box included everything I’d asked for and more. It was the more that surprised me. Along with the seasonings they sentContinue reading “‘Mom you have too many kids!””

Teacher’s Day – The gifts just keep getting more practical!

China in its push to embrace and be accepted by the western world has adopted and exploit all the international days of recognition. In the States I know we have these days but as they are not a ‘bank holiday’ most pay little mind to them. China on the other hand celebrate with gifts, banquetsContinue reading “Teacher’s Day – The gifts just keep getting more practical!”

It’s official – 赵心仪

I realized I’ve forgotten to post my Chinese name. Wendy came by today and I had her write it down for me again. I’m still having a hard time with my family name but I can write the other two characters decently. Here is the breakdown- 赵 – Zhào – Family Name 心 – XïnContinue reading “It’s official – 赵心仪”

Happy Tomb Sweeping Day…here’s a box of eggs.

    Yesterday was a national holiday here in China.  Tomb Sweeping Day. It is a day families visit their relatives’ graves to clean and pay their respects. For this holiday in usual faculty appreciation custom James dropped off a gift. He had called ahead to tell us he would be dropping off a boxContinue reading “Happy Tomb Sweeping Day…here’s a box of eggs.”

Perk #2: Practicle Gifts

I’m becoming more and more like my mother everyday, which is a very good thing! One such thing is the belief that practicality really wins the heart! Like all recognizable holidays in China the faculty is presented with a gift.  For Women’s Day each female member of the faculty received 2 bundles of Toilet PaperContinue reading “Perk #2: Practicle Gifts”

Is she trying to tell me something??

If I didn’t know with certainty that the Chinese are incapable of subtle hints my first Christmas present would have offended me. Two students dropped by for photos Friday afternoon. I’m really quite touched my students want to take pictures, they don’t seem to want to pay attention or participate in class. But hey theContinue reading “Is she trying to tell me something??”

Little gifts…

I know this post might be coming out from left field for some but to catch you up to speed here is a post just recently finished but posted on a much much earlier date. http://blog.addingstamps.com/2009/10/i-think-the-world-is-coming-to-an-end/   As I continue my Children’s Oral English class I have begun falling in love with the students. IContinue reading “Little gifts…”

I have milk coming out my ears!

 For Teacher Appreciation Day each teacher received a box of milk from the school. Why milk and not something else I have no idea. For a country that does not eat dairy anywhere on the scale near America I had expected to have to give up this part of the food pyramid, but as of late I seemContinue reading “I have milk coming out my ears!”

Pears! Pears! Pears for a penny?

For the Mid Autumn Festival each teacher received a large box of pears. Now you have to understand these are Asian pears which means they are HUGE!  I had bought one last week to try, little did I know I would be getting a huge box a week later! I left the pear out forContinue reading “Pears! Pears! Pears for a penny?”

Ordain Women

Mormon women seeking equality and ordination to the priesthood

Operation: Full Passport!

Welcome to my travel blog!

Reflections in Red

raising awareness of sexual violence & reflecting on a healthier sexuality

HOPE61: Human Trafficking Prevention

Raising Awareness. Equipping the Church.

Anti Trafficking

Save them from jackals & wolfs!