My contribution to the weekly Newsletter

The Virtual Branch I attend here in China has a weekly newsletter for the Relief Society Sisters. I was asked to contribute my thoughts on the topic of Chinese food. I was told to take it in any direction so here is what I ended up with… Coming to China has been one of theContinue reading “My contribution to the weekly Newsletter”

Birthdays another guilt ridden day of reflection

As a kid I never understood adults aversion to birthdays or their constant attempts at turning back the years. I always looked forward to the gained year, as along with it came greater freedom, a later bedtime, more decisions and don’t forget the gifts which always increased with the increasing years. Little did I knowContinue reading “Birthdays another guilt ridden day of reflection”

So people don’t think I’m dead

Okay for the record I’m still alive I’ve just been trying hopelessly to get a handle on things these days. Oh how did I so eloquently say it to a friend the other day, It seems as if everyone and their dog’s uncle’s neighbor’s pool boy has been conspiring against me. I don’t even thinkContinue reading “So people don’t think I’m dead”

“Welcome to China!”

About a month into this excursion I realized there were going to be plenty of moments where no words would capture my feelings. That’s when I discovered the phrase “Welcome to China”, mind you your arms must be thrown up into the air and your head shaken to get the full effect. This is theContinue reading ““Welcome to China!””

I hate Wednesdays

Wednesdays are always horrible days for me. They are my busiest. The first change I make next semester is my Children’s night class. I’m putting my foot down and refuse to do it on the night of my craziest day. A full day of classes and then a night class just about does me in. I wokeContinue reading “I hate Wednesdays”

I’m just not feeling well…it is not the flu!!

So originally when I started writing this post I thought the title was accurate come to find out it just might not be true. I went to my trusty medical advisor who tore my hopes apart by explaining that a certain illness going around is not necessarily accompanied by nausea and diarrhea but is aContinue reading “I’m just not feeling well…it is not the flu!!”

Lost in Translation Alright!

  Okay I have to admit I have always wondered why Asians always hold up the peace sign in photos. All of my students have done it when taking photos with me this week. Never really thought to ask, I just thought they felt it was cool or something.   As usual today my ChineseContinue reading “Lost in Translation Alright!”

Okay so we think this is the Address…

I know I have kept promising an address so here it is finally. Hopefully you will understand why it has taken me so long to get it to you. So Wendy says the best way is probably to copy and print the Chinese Characters and put that on the envelope. We don’t know how IContinue reading “Okay so we think this is the Address…”

No Matter Where I Go I Will Always Have The Church

Today I had the wonderful opportunity to attend Church. When I had first signed up for the job I didn’t think it was even going to be an option, upon the discovery I was overwhelmed with graditude. In Argentina, Church was my backbone. To be able to go each week and recharge my batteries forContinue reading “No Matter Where I Go I Will Always Have The Church”

I have Western company

Some of you were under the false impression that this trip took an unimaginable amount of guts on my part, let me just clear that up. True I was suppose to be accompanied by a friend but when that fell through I still decided to come. I took the job knowing I would not be the only American atContinue reading “I have Western company”

Ordain Women

Mormon women seeking equality and ordination to the priesthood

Operation: Full Passport!

Welcome to my travel blog!

Reflections in Red

raising awareness of sexual violence & reflecting on a healthier sexuality

HOPE61: Human Trafficking Prevention

Raising Awareness. Equipping the Church.

Anti Trafficking

Save them from jackals & wolfs!