Off to see the world!

Okay really just off to see Western China but hey to most here that is the extent of the world. I’ll be away from a computer for the next 15 days so no guilt trips for not updating! June 30: Qingdao → Xi’an July3: Xi’an → Chengdu July 4: Leshan July 5: Chendu → LahasaContinue reading “Off to see the world!”

SKYPE – the cure to Homesickness

Skype has revolutionized living abroad. I remember feeling cut off and isolated from my family while in Argentina. We could IM but it just wasn’t the same, video quality was bad and the sound was always distorted, and that was only on a good day. Skype, don’t get me wrong has it’s quirks but itContinue reading “SKYPE – the cure to Homesickness”

A wonderland of ice and lights

After we were thawed out and rested up we bundled up once again and headed out for the evening. As directions to the Ice Festival were rather hard to come by and even more difficult to decipher we opted to just take a taxi. Of the entire trip this was our only real hiccup butContinue reading “A wonderland of ice and lights”

Snow, Ice & Russians!

Can I just say, I love traveling with Bonnie we were up and out the door by 8am. On the train we had listed, crosschecked and plotted our two days in Harbin. Our list included: Saint Sophia (Eastern Orthodox Church) Snow Park International Ice Festival Pedestrian Shopping Street an authentic Russian Meal   Before leaving theContinue reading “Snow, Ice & Russians!”

The Land of Ice and Ice!

Well if anyone asks where the Ice Queen lives, it’s Harbin, China. Somehow I got in my mind  I was up for going to the coldest place in China. Bonnie was more than happy for a travel buddy so we began planning. Harbin is in the northern most province of China and is known forContinue reading “The Land of Ice and Ice!”

Ordain Women

Mormon women seeking equality and ordination to the priesthood

Operation: Full Passport!

Welcome to my travel blog!

Reflections in Red

raising awareness of sexual violence & reflecting on a healthier sexuality

HOPE61: Human Trafficking Prevention

Raising Awareness. Equipping the Church.

Anti Trafficking

Save them from jackals & wolfs!