Off to see the world!

Okay really just off to see Western China but hey to most here that is the extent of the world. I’ll be away from a computer for the next 15 days so no guilt trips for not updating!

June 30: Qingdao → Xi’an

July3: Xi’an → Chengdu

July 4: Leshan

July 5: Chendu → Lahasa

July 6: Lahasa

July 7: Shigaze

July 8: Lahasa

July 9: Lahasa → Lijiang

July 10: Lijiang

July 11: Lijiang → Dali

July 12: Dali

July 13: Dali – Qingdao

So after the 15th you may all start badgering me to update my blog but not a day before!

One thought on “Off to see the world!

  1. Kayte! I know you won’t get this for at least another week but I wanted to say hi! Wow that’s a lot of travelling! You would be so proud of me…I got out of Tulare/Visalia/Fresno and actually went somewhere! Don’t worry I wasn’t daring enough to leave California so it was only a trip to Pismo and another to San Francisco. But either way! That counts for something right? 🙂

    Well things here are good…I’ve been working on my Spanish major still and am trying to figure out where to transfer to to continue. I’m looking into Chicano Studies right now. It looks like a pretty interesting and fun major and its very broad so it can be used for a lot of things and can segway into quite a few different majors. The problem is deciding which school to attend…and how to pay for it. It’ll work out though! I’m sure of it!

    Other than that I’m just here keeping busy with my calling and working at Yodigity still…it’s a pretty exciting life…don’t be jealous :P.

    Well hope you had an awesome trip! Can you e-mail me? If so…I’ll be waiting! If not…I’ll check in on here in a week or so!

    Hasta que vuelvas de las vaccacions!

    Tu amigo,

    Brad 🙂

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