uh oh what did I do?

Now that I’ve moved in reality has decided to pay me a visit. As I lived between apartments I was able to keep reality at bay as I deluded myself with the notion that something big and different was just around the corner. Settling into yet another apartment I realize that I’m looking at just another semester much the same as the last two. Did I make the right decision to stay another year?

Living in China was suppose to be this grand adventure but now it seems rather normal and unexciting.

I have a nasty habit of complaining to people in hopes that they might provide me with a magical solution that will eliminate my dissatisfaction and map out the rest of my life in a nice perfect timetable. Yeah we all dream and then one day we finally wake up and realize the only person who can do that is ourselves.

In all my conversations I’m confronted with the same advice, find your passion and follow it. Okay simple enough but what in the world is my passion or better yet how on earth do I find it?

So here’s my lofty goal this semester, find my passion.  I’ll leave following it for another semester. Baby steps.

If anyone is up for sharing…what’s your passion and how did you find it?

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