And another one bites the dust

 We had Peter’s goodbye dinner tonight. He’s off to Sweden to achieve the lofty goal of world peace and all – international conflict resolution masters program. But for all that we are down a Brit. I have no idea where I’m going to turn for my British English explanations now. I guess my students willContinue reading “And another one bites the dust”

You know its a fake when…

Whoever thinks China was not embraced Capitalism has obviously never been to China.  America may have English, the language of business but China has the born businessman.  I’m no economist and have no profound insights into the Chinese execution of Capitalism but as a consumer my only complaint is that they try too hard.  Continue reading “You know its a fake when…”

Katie and Thomas have left…please come back!

Katie and Thomas have left. I really don’t know what else to say but that my whole world is crashing down around me. Often when I talk to people from back home they say I’m brave for moving to China but here’s the secret. Its not bravery I’ve always had Katie, she’s my backbone and courageContinue reading “Katie and Thomas have left…please come back!”

I don’t remember Yoga hurting this much

Before leaving a wise friend left a parting warning, “The second year you are no longer on vacation.” To combat this inevitable truth I decided to settle in for the long haul. The adventure is over and life is starting to settle into normal or China normal. One of the ways to keep the bordeom at bay is toContinue reading “I don’t remember Yoga hurting this much”

Summer is here and so are the parasols!

Summer is here, therefore the oh so glorious, much sought after in the west, tanning rays of the sun. But to an impressionable young Chinese girl summer does not bring the hope of a splendid, hair hiding, leg lengthening tan but the never ending battle of Sun vs Parasol. My students are always oh so horrifiedContinue reading “Summer is here and so are the parasols!”

I’ll just call it a community activity

The Qingdao Beer Company had a three week mini festival outside of Jusco this month. Kelly and I finaly went to check out the festivities, come to find out, on the last night. Now I know and boy am I looking forward to next year, I’ll be there everynight! The BBQ is amazing and cheap!

The gods are conspiring against me!

My new found past time of watching football does not seem to be sanctioned by the gods. Up until now the games have been played at 7:30pm, 10:00pm and 2:30am. One game during each time slot. Now there are two games at 10pm and 2 at 2:30am. Last night England played Slovenia and the USAContinue reading “The gods are conspiring against me!”

2:30am – Gotta show pride somehow

I’ve never been a die hard sports fan, so in all honesty when I made the decision to wake up at 2:30 this morning to catch the US vs UK game I was a little shocked. I don’t know what it is about living outside your native country but your national pride gets kicked intoContinue reading “2:30am – Gotta show pride somehow”

The Mayflower

For Beth’s Birthday we did the traditional dinner although we went upscale this time and went to the Mayflower. Quick story behind that, I was designated as the texter and sent out the invites when I got three different confirmations for various locations. I’d never been to the Mayflower so when I discovered there wereContinue reading “The Mayflower”

Ordain Women

Mormon women seeking equality and ordination to the priesthood

Operation: Full Passport!

Welcome to my travel blog!

Reflections in Red

raising awareness of sexual violence & reflecting on a healthier sexuality

HOPE61: Human Trafficking Prevention

Raising Awareness. Equipping the Church.

Anti Trafficking

Save them from jackals & wolfs!